The phone buzzed in my pocket. I was crouched over, planting St. John's Wort in my practice-growing-herbs garden at the veggie farm where I worked. I put down my trowel, wiped the dirt from my hand and onto my pants, and answered.

In 2014, I had a grand vision: start an herb farm and provide healing herbs to my local community. I had passion, an intense work ethic, farming skills, and burgeoning herbal knowledge. All the ingredients to start a farm -- except land. Or money to buy land. Or local connections to find some sort of arrangement.

And then I got that phone call.

That phone call changed everything, and led to the creation of Locust Light as you know it today.

Want to hear the story? I sure hope so, because I want to share it with you.

It's the most magical story I've got up my sweater sleeve, and I've been waiting for the perfect moment to tell it to you. I don't know why this is the perfect moment, but I felt compelled to share it exactly now, so that's what I'm doing.

The video above is long -- 17 minutes. But it's worth watching, especially if you're....

> kind of nosy and like to know the heretofore *secret* details

> curious about how Locust Light got its name

> could use a sparkle of faith in your magical abilities

This is the conception story of the most important thing I have ever created, the first great love of my life, and the way I express myself to the world. It is precious to my heart. Would you like to hear it?

After you watch, I'd love to hear a story about how magic has worked in your life. Tell me your own tale of magic in the comments below :)

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Plant Magic for Beginners

take the first steps from magic-curious to magic-maker

Begin your plant magic journey here


the secret ingredient to potent plant magic


are you dreading allergy season?