The Forest Story

A Choose-your-own path adventure

delivered via email

Chapter 1

One day, you're walking in the woods.

It's a rare day that you have all to yourself, and you've decided to spend it in your favorite spot in the forest.

You're meandering slowly, snooping at plants and looking for mushrooms, imagining gnomes scurrying about the mossy tree roots, feeling more entranced and relaxed as the minutes (hours?) pass by.

At some point, a cool breeze drifts in, and a misty fog follows. You enjoy the coolness, the drama of the mist, and the beauty of the fog. You keep wandering, until at some point, you realize that you don't know where you are anymore.

How could this happen? You come here all the time. Well, no need to panic: you take a deep breath, and keep walking.

You move with more awareness now, trying to orient yourself. You grow more concerned as the mist turns to rain, trying unsuccessfully to turn your phone back on (when did it die? why didn't you bring that solar charger thing your mother gave you?).

Eventually, the forest opens into a clearing, and you see a cabin, smoke puffing from the chimney.

A cabin! Smoke! A person must be there! But also -- a cabin? Here? Where are you, anyway?

You walk carefully up to the cabin, not wanting to intrude. The door is slightly ajar, so you knock on the frame, but no one answers. It smells *so good* inside.

As you are now quite wet -- the rain is trickling down your back, and starting to make you cold, you decide to be bold and slip inside.

The cabin is one room, with a loft above. Much of the room is occupied by a rough-hewn wooden table scattered with bowls and a vase of untended flowers. The back wall is filled with shelves, and the shelves are filled with jugs, jars, and decanters of every shape and size: glass, ceramic, wooden -- even antique bits of porcelain here and there.

Through the hazy light, which you've just noticed is coming from three kerosene lamps placed around the room, you can see some bits floating in a few of the jars. You've got some guesses as to what they might be.

You turn your attention to the big-bellied wood stove that's warming your back, drying your face, and tingling your nose with what must be some sort of simmering chai. Nutmeg is your favorite, and it makes you feel welcome even though you have quite clearly invaded someone's home.

Just as you're contemplating sneaking over to the stove to lift the lid on the chai pot for a deep inhale, you feel a cool draft as the door opens.

An older woman enters, bundled in layers against the rain. She's carrying a wide basket filled with muddy roots.

She looks up at you as she navigates the basket through the door, with a matter-of-fact, if not quite warm, glance.

"Ah, welcome, I'm glad you made it. Would you like to stay for tea?"

You have two options…

OPTION 1: Stay for Tea

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    OPTION 2: Go Home

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    How it Works

    “The Forest Story” is a Choose your own Path story delivered via email.

    There are 30 chapters, delivered every day. One chapter will arrive in your inbox daily.

    Sometimes, you have a choice to make. The choice you make will determine the next chapter that you receive.

    You get the first two chapters free. To receive Chapter 3 (and the rest of the story) you pay $21.


    What if I don’t check my email every day?

    That’s ok! If you get to a chapter in which you need to make a choice, and you don’t make the choice right away, that’s ok! The next chapter won’t be delivered until you’ve made your choice (i.e. until you’ve clicked the button that selects the choice).

    Chapters in which you don’t need to make a choice will be delivered every day. If you don’t read them right away, just scroll back to the oldest unread chapter and start from there. Chapters will be numbered, so this won’t be tricky ;)

    How do I actually make the choices?

    There will be two buttons at the end of the chapter presenting the two choices. You click the button that represents your choice.

    How many chapters feature a choice?

    One-third of the chapters contain choices, so you get 10 chances to direct your path.

    What if I want to go back and change my choice?

    Once you make a choice, stick with it! You won’t be able to go back and change your choice.

    As in life, trust that you’ll go through all the lessons that you need to in order to grow, learn, and have a good time ;)

    That being said, Chapter 2 gives you a Very Big Choice that will result in two very different story lines. If, after completely finishing your story, you want to start again at the beginning and make a different choice in Chapter 2, you can do that. You’ll need to purchase the story again.

    I want to binge this. How can I do that?

    Sorry, not possible. I’m creating delayed gratification for you ;) If you like, you can let a few chapters accrue in your inbox before you read them, but eventually you’ll have to make a decision before you read more. Consider this my gift to you. There are plenty of other things you can binge.

    Do you offer refunds?

    Nope. You’ve two chapters to decide if the story is right for you. Once you’ve bought it, I don’t offer refunds.

    Can I change my email address mid-story?

    No — you will receive all the chapters at the same email address.


    Email your question to info @