Plant Allies: Mugwort

I made this video in collaboration with The Alchemist’s Kitchen. Enjoy!

Mugwort as a magical Plant Ally

Mugwort, also known as Artemisia vulgaris, is well known for being closely connected to the moon and all things lunar, including dreams.


The Artemisia family is huge, and different Artemisias grow wild in temperate zones throughout the world. This particular Artemisia is native to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, and it grows here in New Jersey as an introduced plant that has skillfully taken over disturbed ecosystems, roadsides, and edge areas.


Mugwort as a Medicinal Herb

We use the leaves of mugwort as a tea or a tincture. The leaves have a downward and warming action in the body, encouraging digestion, easing gas and nausea, and stimulating circulation to the uterus, which can help to promote menstruation.


This warming and dispersing action is used in an acupuncture treatment called moxibustion, in which Moxa sticks, made of powdered mugwort leaves, are burned to relieve stagnation  in certain areas of the body.


Mugwort as a Dream Herb

For all this medicinal goodness, Mugwort is most well known for being a dream herb. Sipping mugwort tea before bed can help to bring vivid, intense dreams. Mugwort can also be sipped or burned to help you ease into a deep meditative state. I work with Mugwort anytime I’m seeking to connect to the moon or to lunar aspects of myself.

Smoking Mugwort

Mugwort can be added to smoking blends, or smoked on its own, to help you ease into a trance or meditative state.

Where to buy mugwort

I always recommend buying herbs from your local herb farm. If you’re not able to get it from a local farm, this is a good source. I also recommend trying mugwort as a burning bundle.

For more information on working with mugwort as a magical ally or a smoking herb, check out the courses below.

Dried Mugwort.JPG

Plant Magic for Beginners

take the first steps from magic-curious to magic-maker

begin your plant magic journey here


Smoking Herbs for Beginners

everything you need to know to start smoking herbs

become a badass herb-smoker here


A Spell for Winter Solstice


Not the Song, but After